About Us

Our work can mean mapping business systems purposes, structures and functioning details to diagnose problems or opportunities for improvement. At the other end of the spectrum, it could mean facilitating the creation of an innovation funnel with staging processes and risk analysis. Or it could mean a structured evaluation so you know if a program is working.

We know that every business situation needs a unique approach. We have flexible methods that allow for creativity. Our approach uses business knowledge across different industries and situations to meld a response to your specific issues.

We gain a thorough understanding of what's needed, both internally and within the broader environment. We then create tailor-made solutions that produce results using best practice methodologies.

Partners Brian Keogh, Sue Donnelly and Julieanne Campbell have over 60-years' experience combined working on business strategy in the government and non-government sectors, with specialist skills in areas including the arts, environment, community sector and diverse cultures.


  • Sue is a renowned arts leader, experienced government adviser and champion for the not-for-profit sector. Originally trained as a social worker, Sue extended her scope beyond the community and welfare sectors moving into the health, education and arts sectors.

    Sue's experience as an arts leader includes Executive Director and Executive Producer of Belvoir St Theatre (2017-2023), Executive Director of Queensland Theatre (2012-2017), and Executive Director of the Australian Major Performing Arts Group (AMPAG) from 2009-2012. In these three roles, Sue rejuvenated business, developed new partnerships, and ensured sustainability.

    Performance is one of Sue’s major passions. She has produced over 100 theatre productions and toured work nationally and internationally (including to Edinburgh International Festival and Birmingham Arts Festival in 2022). Award-winning shows include Counting and Cracking, Barbara and the Campdogs, FANGIRLS!, Ladies in Black, The Wider Earth, Black Diggers, Keating The Musical! and Page 8.  

    Sue has held a diverse range of other senior executive positions including Director of UNSW Foundation; Director, South EastArts (UK); Public Affairs Manager for Sydney Symphony; Director of Arts Development, Arts NSW and Assistant Commissioner of the Health Care Complaints Commission. She has also consulted and lectured in business development and management, served on several Government advisory boards, funding committees and tribunals, as well as the boards of numerous arts, industry and not-for-profit companies including Live Performance Australia, Chunky Move, Performance Space, Business Southbank, de Quincey Co, Community Council of Australia and PAC Australia.  

    Sue's formal qualifications include a Master of Social Work with Merit and a Bachelor of Social Studies from the University of Sydney, a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), and alumnus of Asialink Leaders’ program.

  • Brian Keogh

  • Brian has over 30 years working in the performing and creative arts and over 20 years working in water.  Additionally he now works with advocacy organisations across a range of sectors.

    Over thirty years ago, Brian developed a passion for the business of the arts – understanding people, organisations, government, markets and strategy.  This passion for knowing how a business works, how to map and evaluate systems, has been enhanced by working with water industries.  Innovation, process, critical leverage points, and predicting peoples' reactions become clearer by being able to compare and contrast across many sectors.

    In the performing arts area, Brian conceived and developed "Legs on the Wall" through start-up to international touring working across five continents. He guided the Flying Fruit Fly Circus to record-breaking seasons and recognition as a national performing arts training organisation. 

    He has also organised copious exhibitions, writers’ festivals and jazz happenings. He has produced circus, theatre, music and festivals in both Sydney and Melbourne. He's managed the big parties at the end of the century – the Sydney Millennium Celebrations on the Harbor and New Year’s Eve 2000 (Centenary of Federation).

    In the water arena, Brian has consulted in the establishment of the monitoring, evaluation and reporting frameworks for the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, the NSW Office of Water and the Sydney Catchment Authority.  He has prepared business cases for storage and treatment plants across NSW, and has evaluated a vast range of government programs. Brian is a system evaluations specialist, and regularly presents and runs workshops for the Australian Evaluation Society.